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GitHub - Milestones

GitHub’s Issue tracker allows you to mark Issues as belonging to particular Milestones - important moments in time of a project.

Creating a GitHub Milestone that will be used to track progress towards a Sprint

Sprint management

Milestones are especially useful in Agile development, where work is earmarked for particular Sprints.

The Milestones view shows progress towards each Milestone, including:

In this course, we’ll create Milestones for each of our project’s Sprints:

What to include in the Milestone settings:

Add Issues from the Product Backlog to a Sprint Backlog as follows:

Closing milestones

Milestones must be closed on their due dates

Creating releases

It is customary to issue a new product Release at the end of each Milestone. This can be accomplished from within GitHub by clicking the Create a new release link from the main repository page.