
SQlite Outer Joins and Reflexive Joins

Types of joins

Inner joins

As a reminder, inner joins enforce referential integrity by their nature. Executing an inner join query only returns results where there are matching rows in the two or more tables queried.

Outer joins

Outer joins do not enforce referential integrity. An outer join query may return results with records from one table that have no related records in the other tables.

There are two types of outer join:

The difference is in which table is considered the source table (also known as the driving table) for the joins. The source table is that table for which records will be included in the query results no matter whether a match in the other table is found.

Left joins

Left joins allow the programmer to see all of the results in the source table … even if there is no match in the other related table.

Right joins

Right joins do not exist in SQLite, but are supported by most other SQL-based relational database systems. In SQLite, we can simply use a left join with the table names in reverse order. So what was the left table becomes the right, and vice-versa… this will become more clear in the example queries below.

Example data

The examples on this page refer to an available data set containing prominent members of Genghis Khan’s family.

Genghis Khan and some of his descendents were Khagans (Great Khans). But not all of his descendents were Khagans.

Our data is split into two tables:

  1. the khans table for information about the Khan family members.
  2. the khagans table for information about those Khans who were Khagans and any special name they used for themselves while they were Khagans.

Thus, to get a full picture of which Khans were Khagans, we would have to merge the data from the two tables.

khans table

A few lines from the khans data:

khan_id name born died father_id mother_id
1 Yesugei   1171    
2 Hoelun        
3 Temüjin 1162 1227 1 2
4 Börte 1161 1230    
5 Jochi 1181 1227 3 4

See the CSV file, khans.csv, for the full data.

Create the table:

CREATE TABLE khans (khan_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, born INTEGER, died INTEGER, father_id INTEGER, mother_id INTEGER);

Import the data from the CSV file into the table:

.mode csv
.headers on
.import ./khans.csv khans

khagans table

A few lines from the khagans table:

khagan_id khan_id name
1 3 Genghis Khan
2 11  
3 13  
4 18  
5 19  

See the CSV file, khagans.csv, for the full data.

Create the table:

CREATE TABLE khagans (khagan_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, khan_id INTEGER, name TEXT);

Import the data from the CSV file into the table:

.mode csv
.headers on
.import ./khagans.csv khagans

Example queries

Inner join - all Khans who were Khagans

An inner join on the khans and khagans tables could show only those Khans who were also Khagans - referential integrity would be enforced. In other words, an inner join would show only those rows from the two tables where a relationship exists in the data.

The following query…

khans INNER JOIN khagans
ON khans.khan_id=khagans.khan_id;

Results in the following data:

khan_id name born died father_id mother_id khagan_id khan_id name
3 Temüjin 1162 1227 1 2 1 3 Genghis Khan
11 Ögedei 1186 1241 3 4 2 11  
13 Güyük 1206 1248 11 12 3 13  
18 Möngke 1209 1259 16 17 4 18  
19 Kublai 1215 1294 16 17 5 19  
21 Temür 1265 1307 20   6 21  

Since inner joins are the most commonly used joins, the query above could also be written in a more shorthand form, where the inner join is implicit, but not mentioned:

khans, khagans
WHERE khans.khan_id=khagans.khan_id;

Left join - all Khans, including those who were Khagans

A left join on the khans and khagans tables could show all Khans and their status as Khagans.

Like an inner join, any Khan who was a Khagan will have that data from two tables linked up and displayed. But unlike an inner join, any Khan who was not a Khagan will also be displayed with NULL values in the related khagans table.

The following query…

khans LEFT JOIN khagans
ON khans.khan_id=khagans.khan_id;

Results in the following data:

khan_id name born died father_id mother_id khagan_id khan_id name
1 Yesugei   1171          
2 Hoelun              
3 Temüjin 1162 1227 1 2 1 3 Genghis Khan
4 Börte 1161 1230          
5 Jochi 1181 1227 3 4      

Notice that all the records from the khans table are present. Some of those khans records are linked up with matching rows from the khagans table, but some are not. The khans table is the source table.

Left join - all Khans who were not Khagans

We can use a left join to check for non-existent relationships, such as those Khans who were not Khagans. This is performed by a query that joins the two tables and requests only those records where the related khans table data is not present.

khans LEFT JOIN khagans
ON khans.khan_id=khagans.khan_id
WHERE khagans.khagan_id IS NULL;

Results in the following data:

khan_id name born died father_id mother_id khagan_id khan_id name
1 Yesugei   1171          
2 Hoelun              
4 Börte 1161 1230          
5 Jochi 1181 1227 3 4      

Left join - all Khagans, including any matching Khans

In the following query, notice how we use khagans as the source table - we want to see all khagans records, regardless of whether there are any related khans records. This left join can show us all Khagans and their related record as Khans, if available (or NULLs otherwise).

Reversing the order of the table names in the left join query in this way allows us to get around the fact that SQLite does not support right joins. A right join would treat the khagans table as the source table, which is exactly the same as what we are doing here.

khagans LEFT JOIN khans
ON khans.khan_id=khagans.khan_id;

This results in the following data:

khagan_id khan_id name khan_id name born died father_id mother_id
1 3 Genghis Khan 3 Temüjin 1162 1227 1 2
2 11   11 Ögedei 1186 1241 3 4
3 13   13 Güyük 1206 1248 11 12
4 18   18 Möngke 1209 1259 16 17
5 19   19 Kublai 1215 1294 16 17

Left join - all Khagans with no matching Khan

It is often important for data integrity to identify and fix orphaned data - records that should have relationships to other records, but do not.

For example, in Genghis’ Khan’s lineage, all Khagans (Great Leaders) were also Khans. But not all Khans were Khagans. If we find a Khagan for whom there is no matching Khan record, then that is a serious lapse in our data integrity.

The following excluding left join query will show us Khagans who do not have a related record as a Khan. This is another case where we use a left join with table names in reverse order to perform a task that a right join could perform in a different database system that supported them.

khagans LEFT JOIN khans
ON khans.khan_id=khagans.khan_id
WHERE khans.khan_id IS NULL;

At the moment, our data integrity is good, so there are no results. But if there were any khagans records that referenced a khans record that didn’t exist, this query would have shown us those results.

Try it yourself by deleting one of the khans records that is referred to by one of the khagans records.

Full outer joins

Full outer joins retrieve the full set of records from two tables, including any relationships between them. Conceptually, this would be a standard left join merged with the results of an excluding right join.

In other words, a full outer join is the union of two queries on two tables, let’s call them table a and table b:

For example:

khans LEFT JOIN khagans
ON khans.khan_id=khagans.khan_id
khagans LEFT JOIN khans
ON khans.khan_id=khagans.khan_id
WHERE khans.khan_id IS NULL;

This results in the following data:

khan_id name born died father_id mother_id khagan_id khan_id name
1 Yesugei   1171          
2 Hoelun              
3 Temüjin 1162 1227 1 2 1 3 Genghis Khan
4 Börte 1161 1230          
5 Jochi 1181 1227 3 4      

Reflexive joins

There are situations in which one would want to build a join within the same table. This can only work if there is one relationship. For example:

Be wary of reflexive joins, because you might in fact need a many-to-many relationship. In the examples above, this could potentially occur:

Reflexive join - number of children fathered by each male Khan

For example, we can easily find how many children each Khan fathered, if any. Note the inner join on the same table, using aliases to make it easier to read:

SELECT AS daddy,
COUNT( AS num_kids
FROM khans AS parents INNER JOIN khans AS children
ON parents.khan_id = children.father_id
GROUP BY daddy
ORDER BY num_kids DESC;

The results are:

daddy num_kids
Yesugei 6
Tolui 4
Temüjin 4
Ögedei 2
Jochi 2

Reflexive join - names of children fathered by each female Khan

Or better yet, show not only how many children each woman had, but what their names were:

SELECT AS mommy,
GROUP_CONCAT( AS children,
COUNT( AS num_kids
FROM khans AS parents INNER JOIN khans children
ON parents.khan_id = children.mother_id
GROUP BY mommy
ORDER BY num_kids DESC;

Note the use of the GROUP_CONCAT function to concatenate the childrens’ names together into a comma-separated list.

This results in the following data:

mommy children num_kids
Sorghaghtani Beki Möngke,Kublai,Hulagu,Ariq Böke 4
Hoelun Temüjin,Hasar,Hachiun,Temüge 4
Börte Jochi,Chagatai,Ögedei,Tolui 4
Töregene Khatun Güyük,Kashin 2

Reflexive join - counting prominent children of each male Khan

Or perhaps, order Great Khans according to how many prominent children they had. This requires a reflexive join on the khans table mixed with a regular inner join on the khagans table:

SELECT AS daddy,
GROUP_CONCAT( AS children,
COUNT( AS num_kids
FROM khans parents, khans children, khagans
WHERE parents.khan_id = children.father_id
AND parents.khan_id=khagans.khan_id
GROUP BY daddy
ORDER BY num_kids DESC;

The results of greatness:

daddy children num_kids
Temüjin Jochi,Chagatai,Ögedei,Tolui 4
Ögedei Güyük,Kashin 2
Kublai Zhenjin 1

SQL joins cheat sheet

This cheat sheet is pulled from the Code Project website’s nice description of SQL joins.

Remember that a right join is the same as a left join with the table names in reverse order.

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