Branching - Controlling the Flow of a Program (in Java)
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
-Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken
The flow of a program can be controlled such that it deviates from its ‘normal’ path.
What is a program’s ‘normal’ path?
By default, a program will execute statements in the order written, from top to bottom.
Some branches are unconditional - the control will always break out of this sequential flow every time the program is executed.
Other branches are conditional - certain contextual conditions must be met if the control of the program is to break out of its usual flow.
Conditional branches are our focus here.
Flow Charts
Understanding the flow of a program’s control can be visualized easily with diagrams, irrespective of the programming language and code.
Writing code is precarious, laborious, and error-prone.
Creating such flow diagrams can help understand and communicate the problem being solved without such burden.
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has attempted to define the “Activity Diagram” - a standard for how such diagrams should be drawn.
In practice, people often use parts of the UML Activity Diagram style mixed with their own personal styles.
A virtual card game program randomly picks two cards, from 1 to 11.
- If those two cards add up to 21, the program outputs the text “Blackjack!”
- Otherwise, the program outputs the text, “Maybe next time!”
UML Activity Diagram Rules
UML Activity Diagrams follow a few basic rules:
program control starts at the top of the diagram and ends at the bottom.
the start point is indicated with just filled circle, the end with a filled circle with a line around it
any process is indicated with an ellipse (or a rounded rectangle)
if any process being diagrammed is so complex it makes the diagram complex and difficult to understand, make a separate activity diagram for that sub-process, and represent it as a single process in this diagram.
any decision point leading to more than one branch is indicated with a diamond shape (also called a rhombus)
branches should have simple annotations indicating in what decision context they are followed
If/Else if/Else
Isolated ifs
if statements on their own either execute a particular branch or not.
int card1 = (int) (Math.random() * 11) + 1; // number from 1 to 11
int card2 = (int) (Math.random() * 11) + 1; // number from 1 to 11
if (card1 + card2 == 21) {
// if the cards add up to 21...
Binary choice
if statements followed by else blocks can have control flow into one of two branches, depending on a single condition being met or not.
int card1 = (int) (Math.random() * 11) + 1; // number from 1 to 11
int card2 = (int) (Math.random() * 11) + 1; // number from 1 to 11
if (card1 + card2 == 21) {
// if the cards add up to 21...
else {
// otherwise...
System.out.println("Maybe next time!");
if statements followed by one or more else if blocks can have control flow into one of several different branches, depending on multiple conditions.
int card1 = (int) (Math.random() * 11) + 1; // number from 1 to 11
int card2 = (int) (Math.random() * 11) + 1; // number from 1 to 11
if (card1 + card2 == 21) {
// if the cards add up to 21...
else if (card1 == 1 && card2 == 1) {
// otherwise if the cards are both ones...
System.out.println("Snake eyes!");
else {
// otherwise...
System.out.println("Maybe next time!");
UML Activity Diagram
In Java, an alternative to if/else if/else statements is switch/case statements.
these can be easier to read and write in particular situations.
such as when the branch followed depends upon the value of a single variable
and when multiple conditions lead to the same branch
Imagine a program that recommends how to dress.
Not using switch / case
This could be handled by if/else if/else statements with some boolean operators thrown in.
Scanner scn = new Scanner(;
String weather = scn.nextLine();
if ( weather.equals("very sunny") || weather.equals("raining") ) {
// if it's raining or very sunny...
System.out.println("Take an umbrella");
else if (weather.equals("snowing") ) {
// otherwise, if it's snowing...
System.out.println("Wear a hat!");
else {
// otherwise...
System.out.println("Good luck!");
Using switch / case
Using switch/case would remove the need for boolean operations and provide more readable code.
Scanner scn = new Scanner(;
String weather = scn.nextLine();
switch (weather) {
case "raining":
case "very sunny":
// if it's raining or very sunny...
System.out.println("Take an umbrella!");
case "snowing":
// otherwise, if it's snowing...
System.out.println("Wear a hat!");
// otherwise...
System.out.println("Good luck!");
The Ternary Operator
It is often the case that we use if/else statements to control setting the value of a variable.
if (breakfastWasServed && breakfastWasEaten) {
satiationLevel = "full"
} else {
satiationLevel = "hungry"
The ternary operator, ?
, thankfully allows us to simplify such syntax:
satiationLevel = breakfastWasServed && breakfastWasEaten ? "full" : "hungry"
You now have a basic understanding of UML activity diagrams, if/else if/else statements, and switch/case statements.
- Thank you. Bye.