
Exam 2 Review - Intro to Computer Science

Intro to Computer Science

  1. Exam Structure
  2. ArrayList
  3. Multidimensional Arrays
  4. Object-Oriented Programming
  5. Pillars
  6. Patterns
  7. Strings
  8. Inheritance
  9. This is Super
  10. Conclusions



The exam will take place during class time. It will be composed of two parts:

  1. Google Form Quiz (40%)
  2. GitHub Assignment (60%)

Accepting the Exam

Students must accept the exam by…

  1. Clicking the link provided by the instructor to the Google Form.
  2. Clicking the link provided by the instructor to the GitHub Assignment, and following the instructions therein to “accept” the assignment.

Submitting the Exam

Students must submit the exam by the end of the exam period.

  1. Click the Submit button on the Google Form.
  2. push the GitHub Assignment code to GitHub.

Verifying Your Submission

Students must verify on your own that you have actually submitted the exam.

  1. See the confirmation message on the Google Quiz after clicking submit.
  2. Click the link provided by the instructor to the GitHub Assignment, and verifying that your code has been pushed to the repository.


Main themes

Multidimensional Arrays

Main themes

Object-Oriented Programming

Main themes

Basic object-oriented programming


Main themes

The 4 pillars of object-oriented programming theory:


Main themes:


Main themes:


Main themes:


Polymorphism goes hand-in-hand with inheritance.


Processing as a case study in inheritance:

This is Super

Main themes:
