
Object-Orientation - The Java Paradigm - "Write Once, Run Anywhere", or So The Saying Goes

“Write once, run anywhere”

  1. Computers
  2. Programming
  3. Machine code
  4. Assembly languages
  5. High-level languages
  6. Compiling
  7. Interpreting
  8. Java
  9. Conclusions



People don’t have buttons and a computer does

-Some little kid from PS-272 in Brooklyn in the 1980s

A computer is any device, entity, or object that can perform computations.


The processor is the part of an electronic computer that does the computation.

At any given moment, a processor only does one of a few different types of things.

Ultimately, every statement in a computer program must be reduced to a sequence of these processor actions.



Computer programming is the process of designing and building an executable computer program for accomplishing a specific computing result.


Levels of abstraction

Programmers have established increasingly higher levels of abstraction in order to make programming faster and more intuitive to humans.

Low level:

High level:

Machine code

Binary instructions

At the lowest level, a programming can directly inform a computer what it should do by sending binary instructions directly to the processor.

Example of a set of machine instructions for an x86 processor to move the number 97 to the AL memory register:

10110000 01100001

The number 1011 is the machine instruction to do a move operation, 0000 is the address of the AL register, and 01100001 is the number 97 written in binary.

Each family of processors is designed to “understand” particular binary numbers to mean particular operations.

Assembly languages


It’s easier for most humans to memorize words than binary numbers. Assembly languages provide mnemonics that a programmer can write, which are converted automatically to machine language equivalents.

Example of a set of assembly instructions for an x86 processor to place the number 97 in the memory register called AL:

MOV AL, 61h

MOV is a mnemonic for 1011, AL is a mnemnoic for 0000, and 61 is the number 97 written in hexadecimal notation.


Converting code written in assembly language to the equivalent machine language is known as assembling - it’s essentially a search/replace operation where mnemonics are replaced with their machine code equialents.

The program to do so is called an assembler.

High level languages


High-level languages are more intuitive for most humans to read and write.

The written code is further abstracted away from the machine instructions the processor will ultimately execute.


Storing the number 97 in a memory register using the C programming language:

register int i = 97;

Other high-level programming languages include C, C++, C#, Java, Python, Ruby, Scratch, Javascript, and PHP. All offer higher-level capabilities, such as looping, functions, branching, etc.

Translation to machine code

Converting code written in a high-level language to the equivalent machine code is done via one of two processes:



Code written in a high-level programming language is translated to its machine code equivalent all at once as a single bulk operation.

C language

The C programming language is a classic example of a compiled language.


Code written in a high-level programming language is translated to its machine code equivalent and executed as a series of small steps.


Write once, run anywhere

Unlike C code, Java source code is highly portable, being executable on machines with almost any processor. How is this possible?

Write once, run anywhere

The Java paradigm

Byte code and the JVM

Byte code is somewhere between machine code and high-level source in abstraction - an intermediate-level language.

Byte code and the JVM

When viewed as hexadecimal, all byte code files start with the text, cafe babe - this is a magic number.

cafe babe 0000 0034 001f 0700 0201 0033
6564 752f 6e79 752f 6373 2f66 6231 3235
382f 6469 6666 6572 656e 745f 7061 636b
6167 652f 5468 6972 6443 6c61 7373 436c

One of Java’s inventors, James Gosling, has explained the origin of this.


The javac command compiles Java source code into Java byte code, while the java command sends the Java byte code to the JVM’s interpreter for execution.

foo@bar$ javac -d bin src/foo/bar/
foo@bar$ java -cp bin


You now have a basic understanding of compiling, interpreting, and how the Java paradigm fits into these schemes.