
Git and GitHub - Enabling Distributed Cooperation on Software Projects

Enabling distributed cooperation on software projects.

  1. Introductions
  2. Three-Tier Model
  3. Git Terminology
  4. Creating a Local Repository
  5. Tracking Changes with the Local Repository
  6. Committing Changes to the Local Repository
  7. Sharing Changes with Other Developers
  8. Conflicts
  9. Configuration
  10. Logs
  11. Conclusions



The world’s most popular open source version control system.


A commercial web app used for hosting remote git repositories.

Three-Tier Model


Git version control depends upon three tiers, or three places where files are stored.

Git tiers

Working copy

The copy of the files that a developer works on.

Working tree

Staging index

A holding area for changes that might be included in the project’s official history.

Staging index

# add any changed files within the working directory to the staging index
git add .
# add only one file to the staging index
git add


The official history of the project, including the history of all committed files.


# commit any files in the staging index to the repository
git commit -m "Updating slide about git repositories"

Git Terminology


A few terms we must familiarize ourselves with.


A new repository made by copying files from an existing repository.

# clone a remote repository onto the local machine
git clone



Not a Git term, but rather a term used by remote repository hosting providers such as GitHub.



The Git term for the trunk line of code.

Main branch


The term for an offshoot of the trunk or main line of code.

Feature branch

# see a list of all branches in the local repository
git branch
# create a new branch
git branch experiment1
# switch to the new branch
git checkout experiment1
# switch back to the main branch
git checkout main


A term used to mean a remote repository that the local repository is linked to.

# view a list of all currently known remotes
git remote -v
# inform git of a remote and give it the nickname 'origin'
git remote add origin
# inform git of a remote and give it the nickname 'upstream'
git remote add upstream


Download and merge any changes in the current branch from a remote repository to the local repository.


# download and merge any changes in the main branch from the 'origin' remote repository to the local repository
git pull origin main
# download and merge any changes in the main branch from the 'upstream' remote repository to the local repository
git pull upstream main


Upload changes from the local repository to a remote repository.


# Upload any changs in the main branch from the local repository to the 'origin' remote repository
git push origin main
# Upload any changs in the main branch from the local repository to the 'upstream' remote repository
git push upstream main


Download but do not automatically merge any changes in the current branch from a remote repository to the local repository.

# fetch any changes from the remote repository
git fetch origin
# fetch any changes from the 'upstream' remote repository
git fetch upstream


Take the changes from one branch or repository and incorporate them into another branch or repository.


git pull origin main # get latest code for the current branch from the remote origin repository

git checkout some-branch-name # switch to a branch where you will make changes in isolation... either first create this branch with `git branch some-branch-name` or do `git checkout -b some-branch-name` to create it and check it out at once

# make some chages to the code in this branch, if desired using your preferred editor
# stage and commit your changes, i.e. `git add .`, `git commit -m "some message."`

git checkout main # switch back to the main branch to prepare to merge

git pull origin main # download any recent changes from the origin server

git merge some-branch-name # incorporaate your changes in the branch into the code in the main branch

git branch -d some-branch-name # delete the branch now that we're done with it

git push origin main # upload your changes to the remote origin repository

Pull Request

A request to another GitHub user to merge changes from one branch or repository into another.

Creating a Local Repository


A local repository can be created in one of two ways:

  1. from scratch
  2. as a clone of an existing repository

From scratch

mkdir project0
cd project0
git init

If you later decide to link a local repository to a remote repository:

git remote add origin

As a clone of an existing repository

git clone

Tracking Changes with the Local Repository


Changes in the Working Copy (adding, modifying, or deleting files) are not tracked.

Files must be added to the staging index in order to be tracked.

Add files to the staging index

Make any changes you desire.

Then add all the modified files in working copy to the staging index:

git add .

Committing Changes to the Local Repository


The staging index does not maintain the history of all changes.

Changes must be moved to the repository in order to be fully archived.

Commit all changes in the staging index to the repository:

git commit -m 'resolving issue #23'

Sharing Changes with Other Developers


Any changes to the local repository must usually be shared with other developers.

For this reason, they should frequently be uploaded to a shared remote repository.

Pushing changes to the remote repository

Push the code in the current branch from the local repository to the branch named ‘main’ on the remote repository called ‘origin’:

git pull
git push origin main

Optionally, you can set origin as the default place to push by running this command once:

git push --set-upstream origin main

From then on, you can use just git push to push changes to origin.

Merge Conflicts


Conflicts may occur in a number of scenarios:

Git will merge code automatically, if possible, and ask the developer to do it themselves, if not.



Several important configurations that must be completed prior to versioning:

Git username and email address

Local git and settings must match exactly your login name and email set up on GitHub:

git config --global "monalisa"
git config --global ""

Note: If you must use a different email or username configuration for this course than for other work you do with git, you can change --global to --local in the above commands to make these configurations for one specific repository. However, the burden would then be on you to ensure you repeat this configuration for each repository in this course or risk not having your work counted.

GitHub name

Leave blank the Name field in your GitHub account settings to be sure that your username is used instead for all commits. This is not optional.

GitHub username settings

Turn off rebasing

git has two ways it can handle pull events, where changes from a remote repository are downloaded and integrated into the local repository: merge and rebase. We want to use merge because this maintains the full history of the project, whereas rebase changes the history to make it simpler and you thus may not receive credit for your full contribution to a project.

To turn off rebasing and use regular merging, you must run this command:

git config --global pull.rebase false

Read more about rebase vs. merge if interested - note the last section of the document.

Enforce single-line commit messages

Multi-line commit messages are considered invalid bad code, according to our development conventions.


A file in the project directory named .gitignore instructs Git to ignore certain files or directories.

This absolutely must include instructions to ignore any platform code and 3rd party modules.

View an example



Git maintains a log of all commits to the repository. To see this:

git log

Hit the SPACE bar to scroll through the logs and hit q to quit when you’re done.


There are a few useful options when viewing logs.

… and many more


A Famous developer has created the gitlogstats tool to generate a summary of the logs, with many additional options.

e.g., find all contributions to a repository over a specific time period:

gitlogstats -s 11/15/2024 -e 12/15/2024 -r


You now know the basics of using Git and its relationship to GitHub.