Requirements Engineering - What Should The Software Do?
A disciplined approach to figuring out what needs to be done.
- Overview
- Motivations
- Types
- User Requirements
- Business Requirements
- Compliance Requirements
- Security Requirements
- Requirements Elicitation
- Conclusions
Requirements engineering is the disciplined process of defining what a project requires to be done and how it must be done.
Requirements provide several benefits to a project:
- Clearly defining the features and functionality that must be developed
- Defining the performance, security, and maintainaibility of the system
- Assisting in the cost and time estimates of the project
- Avoiding disputes by having all parties agree on what is to be done
There are two top-level categories of requirements:
- Functional
- Non-functional
Functional requirements
Functional requirements describe what the system must do, in layman’s terms, including:
- Services the system must provide to its users
- How the system must behave in particular situations
- What outputs the system must provide in response to particular inputs
Non-functional requirements
Non-functional requirements specify constraints on either the system or the development process, including:
- Business requirements, i.e. what must the project achieve when successful in order to improve the business and when must it be done
- Compliance requirements: standards or government regulations that must be complied with
- Platform requirements: constraints on platforms or technologies that must be used
- Performance requirements: e.g. speed, size, memory, uptime, reliability, load handling, portability
- Security requirements: what security measures and practices must be integrated into the software to protect sensitive data and systems.
User Requirements
The main variety of functional requirement, focused on the user experience.
Define what a user must be able to do with the system, written in layman’s terms.
There are two popular ways of writing user requirements:
- Use Cases
- User Stories
Use Cases
Describe how an actor achieves their goals using the system.
A list of actions and events involved in a specific user interaction.
Use Cases
At a minimum contains:
- Title - a short phrases with an active verb describing the goal of the interaction
- Actor - the person or system who desires the goal
- Scenario - step-by-step description of how the goal is achieved by the actor
Use Cases
Title: Purchase items
Actor: Customer
Scenario: Customer reviews items in shopping cart. Customer provides payment and shipping information. System validates payment information and responds with a confirmation of order and provides order number that Customer can use to check on order status. System will send Customer a confirmation of order details and tracking number in an email.
Use Cases
Written use cases often are accompanied by a Unified Modeling Diagram Language (UML) diagram:
User Stories
An alternative to Use Cases, written in user-centric language:
As a ___, I want ___, so I can ___.
- First blank is filled with the actor
- Second blank is filled with the goal
- Third blan is filled with the motivation
User Stories
Each User Story also may optionally include:
- Estimated level of effort
- Acceptance criteria
User Stories
As a customer, I want to sign up so I can start placing orders.
This may have the following additional notes attached:
Estimation of effort: M
Acceptance criteria:
- Customer name is captured and saved
- Customer email is captured and saved
- Customer phone number is captured and saved
- Customer password is captured and saved
- Invalid name, email, phone, and passwords are rejected
- Customer is signed in automatically after registration
- An error message indicates any invalid values entered into the form
Read more about the use of User Stories in so-called “agile” development.
Use Cases vs. User Stories
Business Requirements
An organization engages in a development project for a reason. Business requirements documents document this reason and any other business constraints. This may include:
- project objectives
- i.e. how success is defined: e.g. increased income, customer base, customer satisfaction, publicity, etc.
- the scope of the project
- what will be done
- initial timeline
- initial resource plan
- time constraints
- budget constraints
- any other resource constraints
… and so on …
Compliance Requirements
Software used in certain industries or certain purposes must abide by government regulation or industry standards, e.g.
Government regulations:
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
- Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
- Family Educational Right to Privacy Act (FERPA)
- USA Patriot Act (includes Know Your Customer requirement for financial institutions)
- Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)
- Gramm-Leach-Biley Act (GLBA)
- New York State Information Security Breach and Notification Act
- Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC)
- EU General Data Protection Regulation
… and so on …
Security Requirements
Focused on three P’s:
Product: e.g. software defects/bugs, poor data handling, faulty configuration settings, use of insecure 3rd-party platforms or tools,
People: e.g. social engineering attacks, human error
Process: e.g. lack of integration of security concerns throughout process, inadequate maintenance
How do you determine the requirements of a project?
- Interviews
- Observatiion
- Intuition & brainstorming
Why do we say we “elicit” requirements?
- engage key stakeholders in an ongoing dialog
- give them the opportunity and space to formulate and evolve their thoughts
- progressively elaborate on their ideas until a clear picture of the project emerges in their minds and yours
- engage them as collaborative partners in the process
It would typically be a mistake not to interview:
- Key stakeholders
- A representative sample of end-users
Interviews (continued)
An interview can either be conducted in an open or closed manner.
- Open interviews - are open-ended discussions where the conversation meanders.
- Closed interviews - follow a prepared set of questions and topics for discussion.
Interviews (continued again)
Start broad:
- What problem does this product solve from a business perspective?
- What opportunity does it take advantage of?
Go deeper:
- Who the users are and what their goals and challenges might be interacting the product.
- For each type of user, what specific functionality do they need to achieve each of those goals.
Very detailed:
- establish any and all remaining thoughts of what the user needs and how the system must work technically.
Observing end-users achieving their goals without your system, such as with…
- an alternative system or solution
- a prototype of your intended system
- an earlier version of your system
Observation (again)
Similarly to interviews, observation can either be active or passive.
- Scripted - observer asks the user to perform certain tasks and then records how they complete it.
- Unscripted - the observer silentyly watchess the user performing their everyday tasks without interruption.
Intuition & brainstorming
Realistically, a requirements engineer (who may also be a software engineer) already has preeconceived notions of what users might want to do with the system based on their experience.
- Running brainstorming workshops where the requirements engineer asks a group of stakeholders about certain requirements that the engineer has already intuited can help build agreement on a pre-conceived plan.
Thank you. Bye.