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Evaluating GitHub Repositories (within an Agile Software Development Course)

The following four parts of a project should be thoroughly completed. Each is worth equal amounts of the total grade for setting up the project documentation correctly. Each of these parts will be graded all or none… if a team has clearly not put in effort to think through and set up the project nicely, they should not be given a good grade!

The Product Backlog, Sprint Backlogs, and Sprint Task Boards, viewable under the Projects tab of the repository, must be named clearly, e.g. “Product Backlog”, “Sprint 0 - Backlog”, “Sprint 0 - Task Board”, “Sprint 1 - Backlog”, “Sprint 1 - Task Board”, etc.

Product backlog

A list of all User Stories for the entire project must be present in a table named “Product backlog”.

Sprint backlogs

User stories being worked on in the current Sprint must be placed in a Sprint N - Backlog table, where N is replaced with the current Sprint number.

Task Boards

A Task Board for the current Sprint must show exactly what each member of the team is working on at any given moment. If it fails to accurately show this, it is not done correctly.

Markdown files in the repository