Knowledge Kitchen
- Accessing books with O'reilly Safari Online
- Agile Software Development & DevOps
- App Authentication - HTTP Basic Auth, Sessions, JWT, and OAuth
- App Deployment on Digital Ocean
- App Deployment with Kubernetes on Digital Ocean
- Arrays - A Data Structure for Grouping Values (in Java)
- Automated Grading (within a Web Design Course)
- Automated Grading (within an Introduction to Computer Programming Course)
- Bash Scripting - The Bones of Automation
- Basic Computer Concepts - Perhaps Not So Basic Anymore
- Blockchain - The Nuts & Bolts of Hashes, Merkle Trees, Private & Public Keys, and Smart Contracts
- Boolean Logic - Is it True or False?
- Bootstrap - Yesteryear's Favorite Front-End Framework, Today's Bloatware?
- Branching - Controlling the Flow of a Program (in Java)
- CSS - Introduction
- CSS - Web Page Layout
- Change Management within Software Projects
- Computer Programming Introduction
- Computer Science Introduction
- Computing Terminology
- Containers - A Brief History of Virtualization from Bare Metal to Docker Containers
- Continuous Deployment - Automatically Launching Applications
- Continuous Integration - Automated Software Testing
- Conventions - Agile Software Development & DevOps
- Conventions - Software Engineering
- Copyright and Copyleft
- Course Intro - Agile Software Development & DevOps
- Course Intro - Database Design
- Course Intro - Intro to Computer Science
- Course Intro - Introduction to Computer Programming
- Course Intro - Software Engineering
- Course Intro - Web Design & Computer Principles
- Course Syllabus - Agile Software Development & DevOps
- Course Syllabus - Database Design & Implementation
- Course Syllabus - Introduction to Computer Programming
- Course Syllabus - Introduction to Computer Science
- Course Syllabus - Software Engineering
- Course Syllabus - Web Design & Computer Principles
- Data Storage For Apps - Cookies, Local Storage, File Storage, Databases, APIs, and More
- Data Types (in Java)
- Data Types (in Python)
- Database Design & Implementation
- Database Design - A Simple Guide to Five Normal Forms in Relational Database Theory
- Database Design - Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD)
- Database Design - Normalization of Relational Databases
- Decision-Making (in Python)
- Dictionaries - Basics (in Python)
- Dictionaries - More (in Python)
- Digital Audio - How Your Computer Interprets Sound
- Digital Imagery - How Your Computer Interprets Photos and Images
- Discord Messenger - Use Within a Database Design Course
- Discord Messenger - Use Within a Web Design Course
- Discord Messenger - Use Within an Agile Software Development Course
- Discord Messenger - Use Within an Introduction to Computer Programming Course
- Discord Messenger - Use Within an Introduction to Computer Science Course
- Discord Messenger - Use in a Software Engineering Course
- Document Object Model | How a Web Browser Views the World
- Documenting Source Code With Javadoc
- Domain Modeling - Identifying the Nouns
- Evaluating GitHub Repositories (within an Agile Software Development Course)
- Exam 1 Practice - Intro to Computer Programming
- Exam 1 Practice Questions
- Exam 1 Review - Database Design
- Exam 2 Review - Database Design
- Exam 2 Review - Intro to Computer Science
- Exam 3 Review - Intro to Computer Science
- Express.js - Intro (in Javascript)
- Feature Branch Version Control Workflow and Avoiding Merge Hell
- Figma - Wireframing & Rapid Prototyping
- File Name Conventions for Web Developers
- Flow Charts
- Functions
- Git and GitHub - Enabling Distributed Cooperation on Software Projects
- GitHub for Collaboration
- Graphic Design Considerations
- HTML - The Language of the Web (For Better or For Worse)
- Introduction Contemporary Javascript for Programmers of Other Languages
- JQuery for Web Designers - Programming Interactions for Non-Programmers (in Javascript)
- Javascript Object Notation (JSON)
- Jupyter Notebooks
- Lists - Basics (in Python)
- Loops (in Java)
- Loops - For
- Loops - Recap (in Python)
- Loops - While
- Modify File Extension Settings
- Modules (in Python)
- MongoDB - Aggregation Pipelines
- MongoDB - CRUD
- MongoDB - Setup
- Motivation for Learning to Program
- Multi-Dimensional Arrays (in Java)
- Navigation Components
- Number Systems
- Object Orientation - Core Concepts (in Java)
- Object-Orientation - Abstract Classes (in Java)
- Object-Orientation - Design Patterns in Software Development
- Object-Orientation - Exception Handling (in Java)
- Object-Orientation - Inheritance & Polymorphism (in Java)
- Object-Orientation - Interfaces (in Java)
- Object-Orientation - Methods (in Java)
- Object-Orientation - String & Related Classes (in Java)
- Object-Orientation - The Java Paradigm - "Write Once, Run Anywhere", or So The Saying Goes
- Operating Systems - What Are They And Where Do We Find Them?
- Oscillators - Keeping The Beat in Electronic Circuit Design
- Pandas - Data Munging and Analysis In A Cuddly Form
- Plagiarism Detection (within a Web Design Course)
- Plagiarism Detection (within an Introduction to Computer Programming Course)
- Plain Text Data Formats - CSV, JSON, XML, and HTML
- Project Kickoff (within an Agile Software Development Course)
- Project Presentations in a Software Engineering Course
- Project Presentations in an Agile Software Development Course
- Pymongo & Flask - a Minimal Python-Based Web Application Stack (in Python)
- Python - A Blast Through the Programming Language
- React.js - Intro
- Recursion (in Java)
- Regular Expressions
- Release Management - A Disciplined Approach to Versioning Software Releases
- Remote Login with SSH
- Requirements Engineering - What Should The Software Do?
- Responsive Design - Designing For A Multi-Device Ecosystem
- SQL - Intro (in SQLite)
- SQL - Joins (in SQLite)
- Scrum - Software Developers Role-Play Rugby
- Setup Python Development Environment in Visual Studio Code
- Software Engineeering - Historic Overview From Alan Turing to Today's Industrial Code Fry Cooks
- Software Engineering
- Software Testing - Ensuring Software Works as Expected
- Soviet Montage - The Origins of Video Editing
- Spreadsheets - Everything You Need to Know
- Starter code (in Java)
- Strings - Basics (in Python)
- Strings - Formatting
- Strings - Input & Output (in Python)
- Strings - Raw (in Python)
- Svelte - Intro
- System Build Tools - Make, Maven, Gradle, NPM, Pip, Grunt, Gulp, etc.
- Team Psychology - How Individual Personality Psychology Affects Social Team Dynamics
- Text Files - As Data Storage (in Python)
- Text Files - Basic Operations (in Python)
- The Jumblies, by Edward Lear
- The Processing Framework (in Java)
- The World-Wide Web - What Is It, Where Does It Come From, What Went Wrong?
- Transfer Files to a Server with an SFTP Client
- UML Diagrams - A Standardized Visual Language for Software Design
- Unit Testing - Validition of Smallest Testable Unit of Code
- Unix Commands - Navigating and Managing the File System
- User Experience Design - The Nexus of User Needs, Business Goals, and Technological Constraints
- Variables, Literals, and Expressions - Core Concepts in Computer Programming
- Version Control Systems - High-Level Overview
- Virtual Environments (in Python)
- Web Design & Computer Principles
… main stuff