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Web Design & Computer Principles

New York University

Department of Computer Science


Date Class Topics Notes Helpful resources Quiz due Exercise due
5/20 n/a no class        
5/21 1 Overview 1. Syllabus
2. Welcome slides
5/22 2 Web Architecture - Discord for Education
- Web architecture slides
Basic computer concepts - Intake Questionnaire
- Basic Computer Concepts Quiz
1. Complete consent form
2. Join Discord
3. Create GitHub account
4. Install Visual Studio Code, Live Share, Live Server, and Prettier extensions
5/23 3 UNIX Unix intro slides 1. Remotely log into the i6 web server using SSH
2. Transfer files to the i6 web server using SFTP
3. File name conventions for web developers
The Web Quiz  
5/27 n/a no class        
5/28 4 UNIX 1. Popular operating systems
2. Copyright & copyleft
1. Robbins, Chapters 2, 3
2. Unix Tutorial for Beginners, 1 & 2
3. History of Linux, Part 1
UNIX Quiz  
5/29 5 HTML HTML slides 1. Robbins, Chapters 4, 5
2. History of Linux, Part 2
Operating Systems Quiz  
5/30 6 HTML   1. Robbins, Chapters 6, 7
2. W3Schools HTML Tutorial
3. As We May Think, by Vannevar Bush
  UNIX Exercise
6/3 7 CSS CSS intro slides 1. Robbins, Chapters 11, 12
2. W3Schools CSS Tutorial
HTML Quiz  
6/4 8 CSS CSS layout slides 1. Robbins, Chapters 13, 14, 15
2. CSS Flex and Grid
  HTML Exercise
6/5 9 JQuery JQuery slides Robbins, Chapter 21 CSS Quiz CSS Exercise
6/6 10 Review Review notes Robbins, Chapter 22 JQuery Quiz  
6/10 11 Exam 1       JQuery Exercise
6/11 12 UX Design 1. UX slides
2. Navigation commponents
6/12 13 Responsive Design Responsive design slides 1. Robbins, Chapter 17
2. CSS Media Queries from Web Designer Wall
UX Design Quiz  
6/13 14 Bootstrap Bootstrap slides 1. Bootstap CSS Tutorials by designmodo 1 & 2, and Grid System Responsive Design Quiz UX Design Exercise
6/17 15 Photoshop Digital imagery slides 1. Robbins, Chapter 23
2. Photoshop tutorials (workspace basics; image and color basics; levels adjustment; saving and exporting)
Bootstrap Quiz Responsive Design Exercise
6/18 16 Photoshop   1. Graphic design considerations
2. Robbins, Chapter 24
3. Photoshop tutorials (layers; selecting; free transformations of images, shapes, and paths; painting tools; text)
  Bootstrap Exercise
6/19 n/a no class        
6/20 17 Animation Animated GIF notes Creating Frame Animations in Photoshop Help pages Photoshop Quiz  
6/24 18 Audio Digital audio slides How to capture your computer’s audio Animated GIF Quiz Photoshop Exercise
6/25 19 Vector Graphics   1. Robbins, Chapter 25
2. Illustrator Getting Started course
3. Beginner drawing course
4. Manipulate artwork course
Audio Quiz Animated GIF Exercise (for extra credit)
6/26 20 Web Ethics   You Are Now Remotely Controlled by Shoshana Zuboff Vector Graphics Quiz Web Ethics Exercise
(no late work accepted past this date)
6/27 21 Review     Outtake Questionnaire  
7/1 22 Exam 2        



Some materials that are not currently included in the course, but have been in the past:

Date Class Topics Notes Reading/viewing due Quiz due Assignment due
6/27 19 Vector Graphics   1. Robbins, Chapter 25
2. Illustrator Getting Started course
3. Begginer drawing course
4. Manipulate artwork course
Vector Graphics Quiz Vector Graphics Exercise
n/a n/a Video Montage Soviet montage slides   Video Quiz Digital Video Exercise