class: center, middle # Exam 2 Review Database Design --- # Agenda 1. [Overview](#overview) 1. [MongoDB](#mongodb) 1. [Web Apps](#web-apps) 1. [Pandas](#pandas) 1. [Conclusions](#conclusions) --- name: overview # Overview --- template: overview ## Format The exam will be composed of two parts: -- - A Google Form, similar to a Quiz -- - A GitHub Classroom repository, similar to an assignment --- template: overview ## Time Start anytime and submit anytime within a 24 hour window. --- template: overview ## Topics covered The topics covered on the exam: -- - Do you really need a slide about this? --- template: overview ## Weighting All topics will be weighted approximately equally in grading. --- name: mongodb # MongoDB -- template: mongodb ## Key points Main topics: -- - an example of a _NoSQL_ database -- - easily imports `CSV` and `JSON` file formats -- - _document-oriented_ - records stored as Javascript objects written with JSON -- - Javascript objects support nesting of values -- - normal forms need not apply --- template: mongodb ## CRUD CRUD is still cruddy -- - **C**reate: `db.collection.insertOne(document)` or `db.collection.insertMany(documents)` -- - **R**ead: `db.collection.find(criteria, projection)` -- - **U**pdate: `db.collection.updateOne(criteria, changes)` or `db.collection.updateMany(criteria, changes)`, -- - **D**elete: `db.collection.deleteOne(criteria)` or `db.collection.deleteMany(criteria)`. --- template: mongodb ## Basic statistics As with all database systems, MongoDB can easily do some basic statistical operations: - Count: `db.collection.countDocuments(criteria)` -- The _aggregation pipeline_ is used to calculate most other statistics... --- template: mongodb ## Basic statistics (continued) E.g., calculate average of all values in the `salary_range_to` field with no grouping: ```js db.collection.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: null, avg_val: { $avg: "$salary_range_to" }, }, }, ]) ``` -- Same, but grouping by `agency`: ```js db.collection.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: "$agency", avg_val: { $avg: "$salary_range_to" }, }, }, ]) ``` --- template: mongodb ## Aggregation pipeline The aggregation pipeline allows for multi-stage transformations, where the output of each stage becomes the input for the following stage. -- Stages may include operations such as: - `$match` - to filter documents by criteria - `$count` - to count the number documents at this stage - `$project` - to calculate or select particular fields - `$group` - to group documents by a common attribute - `$sort` - sort the results by a given field(s) --- name: web-apps # Web Apps -- ## Key points Main topics: -- - the web is the use of the `HTTP` protocol that allows a web browser to browse _hypertext_ documents -- - a client (e.g. web browser) makes requests (e.g. `HTTP` `GET` or `POST` requests), and a server (e.g. web server) issues responses to those requests (e.g. `HTTP` `200` `OK`). -- - `HTTP` `POST` requests can contain a payload of body data, such as when the user submits a form. `GET` requests (the default type) cannot. -- - `flask` and `pymongo` are useful Python modules when creating web apps. --- template: web-apps ## HTML, CSS, Javascript Web browsers can only "understand"/interpret 3 languages: `HTML`, `CSS`, `Javascript`. -- - HTML is used to indicate the content and semantic meaning of the content of a given web page. -- - CSS is used to indicate the styling of the content on a given web page. -- - Javascript is used to indicate any interactive behaviors of a given web page (changes to make on user `click`, `mouseover`, `keyPressed`, etc). -- All web servers must respond to incoming HTTP requests from a web browser with code in one or more of these types. --- template: web-apps ## flask `flask` is a Python web server module to help detect incoming requests and respond to them -- - `flask` allows us to set up server-side _routes_ - functions that run automatically when a browser requests a certain web address. -- - `flask` routes give us easy programmatic access to information in the incoming HTTP requests, such as any form data -- - `flask` makes it easy to generate templates: static `HTML` documents with data injected into them dynamically. --- template: web-apps ## pymongo `pymongo` is a Python module that helps the server code communicate with a MongoDB databases. -- - allows for all typical _CRUD_ operations to be handled on a MongoDB database using simple Python code. -- - for example, when a web browser requests a web page, a `flask`-based server app can... fetch data from a database using `pymongo` and inject it into an HTML template that is placed into the HTTP response. -- - another example, when a user fills in a form and clicks submit, the browser can make an HTTP POST request to a server, where a route in a `flask` app receives the form data, packages it up nicely into a document, and saves it into a MongoDB database. --- name: pandas # Pandas -- ## Key points Main topics: -- - powerful Python-based data analysis library -- - stores data in `Series` and `DataFrame` data structures -- - vector math! -- - relies on `numpy`, wraps around `matplotlib` -- - includes tools to help munge/cleanup the data. -- - supports basic data analysis: statistical analysis including grouping. --- template: pandas ## Jupyter Notebooks A convenient web-based IDE widely-used in the scientific Python community for writing and sharing code. -- - code cells and Markdown cells -- - ability to run cells in the web browser -- - supported by many platforms, including GitHub, Visual Studio Code, JupyterLab, etc. --- name: conclusions # Conclusions -- Thank you. Good luck.