class: center, middle # Recursion > Use recursive procedures for recursively-defined data structures. > > –Kernighan and Plauger, in [The Elements of Programming Style]( --- # Agenda 1. [Overview](#concept) 1. [Fibonacci Numbers](#fibonacci) 1. [Flipping Strings Backwards](#backwards) 1. [Calculating Powers](#powers) 1. [Generalized Pattern](#pattern) 1. [Fractals](#fractals) 1. [Conclusions](#conclusions) --- name: overview # Overview -- ## Concept In mathematics and computer science, recursion is a function or procedure that is defined in terms of itself. --- template: overview ## Recursive humor A few recursive insider jokes might help get a sense for what it is. -- - The Linux [operating system](/content/courses/web-design/slides/operating-systems) was originally named [GNU](, where GNU is a recursive acronym that stands for **G**NU's **N**ot **U**nix. -- - A programmer's joke: _"To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion."_ -- - _"Wanna hear a joke about recursion?"_ -- - _"Wanna hear a joke about recursion?"_ --- name: fibonacci # Fibonacci Numbers -- ## A sequence A classic example of a recursive algorithm is the calculation of the [Fibonacci Sequence](, a mathematical formula known to mathematicians since at least the 4th century B.C in India. -- - The first two numbers in the sequence are `0` and `1`. -- - Every subsequent number in the sequence is _the sum of the previous two_. -- - e.g. `0`, `1`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `5`, `8`, `13`, `21`, `34`, `55`, etc. -- - this is a recursive algorithm because to find the *n*th number in the sequence, you must determine the _n-1_ and _n-2_ numbers in the sequence. -- - mathematically, this formula could be: `F(n) = F(n − 1) + F(n − 2)` --- template: fibonacci ## In code In Java, a recursive formula could be written to calculate the Fibonacci number at any *n*th position in the sequence. -- ```java public static int fibonacci(int n) { if (n == 1) return 0; if (n == 2) return 1; return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2); } ``` -- - [Try it!]( --- template: fibonacci ## Call stack The following diagram illustrates the changes to the call stack over time as our algorithm calculates the Fibonacci number at position `5` in the sequence. -- [![Calculating Fibonacci numbers](../assets/recursion-fibonacci.png)](../assets/recursion-fibonacci.png) - [Click to view larger](../assets/recursion-fibonacci.png) -- - Notice that the `fibonacci()` method is called 9 times: once from `main()` and 8 additional recursive calls. --- name: backwards # Flipping Strings Backwards -- ## Another example Let's take a simpler example of a recursive algorithm for a function used to flip a string backwards. -- 1. If the original string is only one character long, the reversed form is the same as the original. For example, `"e"` backwards is `"e"`. So simply return the original. -- 2. Otherwise, return the last character of the original string concatenated to the reversed version of the remainder (excluding the last character). For example, `"nonplussed"` backwards is `"d" + backwards("nonplusse")` --- template: backwards ## In code In Java, the recursive string flipping algorithm might look like this: -- ```java public static String backwards(String original) { // if string is one character or less, return the original if (original.length() <= 1) { return original; } // otherwise, return the last character + the backwards of the remainder else { char lastChar = original.charAt(original.length() - 1); String remainder = original.substring(0, original.length() - 1); return lastChar + backwards(remainder); } } ``` -- - [Try it!]( --- template: backwards ## Call stack Understanding recursion can sometimes be assisted by diagramming the _step-wise changes to the function call stack_, including the arguments and return values from each new function invocation. -- [![Flipping a string backwards](../assets/recursion-backwards.png)](../assets/recursion-backwards.png) --- name: powers # Calculating Powers -- ## Solving power equations Another illustrative example is to solve power equations recursively. For example, the problem of calculating the value of a base raised to a certain exponent, such as _6
_. -- - If the desired power is `0`, we can simply return `1`, since anything raised to the power `0` equals `1`. -- - Otherwise, we can decompose the problem and return _base x base
pow - 1
_. For example, _6
_ is the same as _6 x 6
_ --- template: powers ## In code In Java, the recursive power algorithm might look like this: -- ```java public static int power(int base, int exp) { if (exp == 0) { return 1; } else { return base * power(base, exp-1); } } ``` --- template: powers ## Call stack The changes to the function call stack over time for calculating _5
_ might look like: -- [![Calculating powers](../assets/recursion-powers.png)](../assets/recursion-powers.png) --- name: pattern # Generalized Pattern -- ## Concept A recursive function almost universally follows a general pattern. -- - check for a **base case**, and return a fixed value that doesn't require recursion, if found -- - otherwise, decompose the problem in some way and return a value obtained from a **recursive function call** --- template: pattern ## Fibonacci example For example, let's revisit the Fibonacci algorithm. -- ```java public static int fibonacci(int n) { // base case: we know the answer if (n == 1) return 0; if (n == 2) return 1; // recursive case: return the sum of two recursive calls return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2); } ``` -- - the _base case_ occurs when the argument is either `1` or `2` - we simply return a `0` or `1` in response. -- - in the _recursive case_, we return the sum of two recursive calls with smaller arguments than the original. --- template: pattern ## Flipping string backwards example And let's revisit the backwards string algorithm. -- ```java public static String backwards(String original) { // base case: return the original if (original.length() <= 1) { return original; } // recursive case: return the last character + the backwards of the remainder else { char lastChar = original.charAt(original.length() - 1); String remainder = original.substring(0, original.length() - 1); return lastChar + backwards(remainder); } } ``` -- - the _base case_ occurs when the length is 1 or 0, we return the original. -- - the _recursive case_ decomposes the problem and returns a value resulting, in part, from recursion. --- template: pattern ## Calculating powers The same pattern applies to the power equation. -- ```java public static int power(int base, int exp) { // base case: return 1 when raised to power 0 if (exp == 0) { return 1; } // recursive case: decompose the problem including recursion else { return base * power(base, exp-1); } } ``` -- - the _base case_ occurs when the exponent is `0`... we return `1`. -- - the _recursive case_ decomposes the problem and returns a value resulting, in part, from a recursive call. --- name: fractals # Fractals -- ## Concept Fractals are a category of _algorithmically-generated images that exhibit a high-degree of self-similarity_. -- - In other words, the whole image can be decomposed into parts that resemble, or are identical, to the whole image. -- - They are typically generated using recursive algorithms. -- - we will not try to derive the algorithms used to generate fractals, but will simply enjoy some pretty recursive pictures. --- template: fractals ## Sierpiński triangle One of the "classic" fractal images is the [Sierpiński triangle]( -- [![Sierpiński triangle](../assets/recursion-sierpinski-triangle.gif)](../assets/recursion-sierpinski-triangle.gif) --- template: fractals ## Koch snowflake Another is the [Koch snowflake]( -- [![Koch snowflake](../assets/recursion-koch-snowflake.gif)](../assets/recursion-koch-snowflake.gif) --- template: fractals ## Mandelbrot set Perhaps the most famous fractal images are those derived from the [Mandelbrot set]( -- [![Mandelbrot set fractal](../assets/recursion-mandelbrot.gif)](../assets/recursion-mandelbrot.gif) --- name: conclusions # Conclusions -- Recursion takes some time to get familiar with. However, it can some problems that are inherently recursive in a more intuitive way, with simpler code, than other forms of iteration. -- - Thank you. Bye.